CLASSLIST is one of the ways parents communicate with each other. It is available online or as an app for your mobile phone. It is more secure than Facebook or WhatsApp and you have full control of who can see your personal information. FoLS uses CLASSLIST for all parent-to-parent communication including announcements of upcoming events, organising volunteers and requests for new ideas and expertise. You can use it to organise your child’s birthday party, find that missing jumper or ask for tonight’s maths homework. Please register by following the button below to the ClassList website:

For your protection, your account will need to be verified - once this has been done, you can log in and start using the site.

Friends of Leehurst Swan (FoLS) exists primarily to organise social events for parents and pupils. In doing so, FoLS raises a little money to put back into the school. All parents of children at Leehurst Swan are members of FOLS automatically - there are no dues or membership requirements! Our dedicated population of parents and staff coordinate:

  • Parent coffee mornings (1 per term)
  • Second hand uniform shop (open one morning per week)
  • Christmas fayre (November)
  • Christmas draw (December)
  • Spring fayre (March)
  • Summer fete refreshments (June)
  • Movie nights/ quiz nights/ parents' ball (ad hoc)