Introduction by the Chair of the Governing Body
Welcome, if you reached this page, then you have either clicked the wrong link or you’re curious about the governors.
We are the part of the Leehurst Swan family responsible for ensuring we comply with all the regulations that control the delivery of independent education. We also help set the vision and direction of the school, but probably the best part of our role is being encouragers and cheerleaders for the amazing staff who educate and care for your children. We get very excited when we see not only pupils, but also staff discovering and developing new skills and talents, achieving personal bests, and finding their voice.
We are all volunteers and bring our life skills and professional and educational qualifications to the task of governance. Some of us are parents of current or former pupils and some of us had no previous link with Leehurst Swan before becoming governors.
We are always looking for new governors to maintain and increase our skill set and expertise and would love to tell you more about what being a Leehurst Swan governor involves. So, if you’ve read this far and are still curious, just send an email to with ‘Governors’ in the subject line and leave your contact details and we’ll be in touch.
Stephen Spicer*
Chair of Governors
*The Chair can be contacted via the Clerk to the Governors; or c/o Leehurst Swan School, Campbell Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 3BQ.
The Governing Body is responsible for determining the aims and overall conduct of the school. It sets and reviews the policies, plans and procedures to ensure the best possible education for both present and future pupils, including the finances. Details of individual governors can be found below. In addition, the Head and Bursar attend full governing body meetings. Each governor is a member of one or more committees and has selected an area of the curriculum, as an area of special interest.
The full Board of Governors meets three times a year (once a term) and has overall responsibility for ensuring compliance and monitoring progress against agreed targets. Members of the Board are: Governors of the School; Directors of the Company; and Trustees of the Charity.
Committee Structure
Each committee has its own terms of reference and delegated responsibilities. In addition to the established committees, ad hoc working groups are sometimes formed to deal with specific issues delegated by the Board.
Education, Welfare & Personnel
Chair: Matthew Round
The Education, Welfare & Personnel Committee oversees the quality of education provided both in terms of the makeup of the curriculum and the standards of teaching. It monitors teaching strategies employed, resources used, learning environment and standards of teaching provided, and extracurricular activities. Additionally it monitors Learning Support, Child Protection, Sex Education, Worship and Equal Opportunities. It further oversees the appointment and performance of staff, the performance management system, and the monitoring and review of Disciplinary, Capability and Grievance Procedures and Equal Opportunity Policy.
Finance and Estates
Chair: Steve Spicer
The Finance and Estates Committee is responsible for overseeing and advising upon all aspects of financial operation, financial management and prudent financial development in the school. The aim of the committee is to support the Governing Body in achieving their strategic and academic vision.
Health and Safety
This committee is responsible for the welfare, health and safety of pupils and staff and includes Governor representation.
Chair: Genevieve Middleton
This committee includes Governor representation and co-ordinates all marketing activities of the school, including advertising, local and school events, market research and membership of ISC and other national organisations.
Risk and Compliance
Chair: Doug Gale
The Risk and Compliance Committee has particular responsibility to assist and advise the Governing Body and school Senior Leadership Team in fulfilling corporate governance and independent oversight responsibilities in relation to the School’s management of risk, compliance with applicable legislation and standards, and its external regulatory reporting responsibilities.
Governor biographical details
Doug Gale, MBE
Doug gained a degree in Electronic Engineering at Bangor University, a Cranfield Masters in Defence Administration (MDA) and a Masters in Defence Studies with Kings College London. He was commissioned into the Royal Air Force in 1983 as an Aero-Systems Engineering Officer, enjoying a service career of over 20 years before retiring as an Air Commodore in 2012. After leaving the RAF, Doug spent a year and a quarter working for Booz & Co consultants in the United Arab Emirates, before joining QinetiQ, where he is currently working as Strategic Engagement Director focusing on the Air Domain. He lives near Salisbury with his wife Susan and two daughters (both former Leehurst Swan students) and their high energy Labrador puppy. Doug is Chair of the Risk & Compliance Committee.
Area of special educational interest: ICT
Stephen Spicer
Although not originally from Salisbury, Stephen has lived in and around the city since 1978. Stephen has been a local businessman for over 25 years and continues to be involved with a number of businesses. Stephen has a real passion for business and he regularly mentors new businesses in South Wiltshire.
Stephen is a very keen cyclist, covering many miles across Wiltshire, Dorset and Hampshire.
Stephen is married with three children, all of who have been pupils at Leehurst Swan. Having had children in the Seniors and Prep area of the school, it gives him a broad view of life at Leehurst Swan. He was Chairman of FOLS for four years and on the committee for eight years, he remains committed to FOLS by providing assistance when required.
Stephen is Chairman of the Board and is on the Risk & Compliance Committee, Marketing and is Chair of Finance & Estates
Areas of special educational interest: Senior School, Arts and Drama
Richard Demain-Griffiths
Originally from St Albans, Richard’s family moved to Salisbury when he was five with the intention of both Richard and his brother attending Bishop Wordsworth’s School. After completing his education at Bishop Wordsworth’s School, Richard went on to study Sport BA followed by a PGCE at Durham University.
Richard’s first teaching post was at St Joseph's in Laverstock where he was Head of PE. Richard joined the PE Department at Bishop Wordsworth School fifteen years ago and has been the Director of Sport for nearly ten years. Richard is married to Fran and has two daughters who are pupils at Leehurst Swan.
Area of special educational interest: Sport
Richard is on the Education, Welfare & Personnel Committee
Matthew Round
Dr Mat Round BSc (Hons), MSc, PGCE, EdD, FRSA, FCCT
Mat has worked in education for over 20 years, with 15 of those in the independent sector as a Science Teacher and Deputy Head. Now working as a Lecturer in Education at the University of Portsmouth he is also an Associate Head of the School of Education Languages and Linguistics, leading on Ofsted, Safeguarding, and external accreditations. Mat's doctoral thesis focused on implementing the Sex, and Relationships Education (RSE) framework in independent schools and his wider research considers independent school ethos, leadership and management, and RSE.
Mat is married to Sophie, and has a daughter Peggy, who all live with their cats Minx (whom you may see round the school grounds) and Enid.
Area of special educational interest: Senior Science, Safeguarding, RSHE/PSHE
Mat is on the Education, Welfare & Personnel Committee
Jane Bailey-
Risk and Compliance Committee
Michele Russell –
Education, Welfare & Personnel and Finance & Estates committees