Years 7 – 9 (Key Stage 3)
All pupils follow a broad curriculum consisting of English, mathematics, science (biology, chemistry, physics), art, design technology, drama, music, Spanish, French, German, geography, history, religious studies, IT, digital media and PE & games. In addition, pupils follow a course in personal, social and health education (PSHE).
Pupils are examined in ICT functional skills at the end of Year 9 which is equivalent to half a GCSE.
Year 10 & 11 (Key Stage 4)
Core Subjects
For the core curriculum, pupils will study full course GCSEs in English language, English literature and mathematics. All pupils also participate in games (sport) and personal, social and health education (PSHE). Careers advice is covered in dedicated periods throughout the year.
'Find Your Voice' GCSE Options
We do things differently at Leehurst Swan. We ask our pupils what combinations of options they want, and then so far as we can, we build the option choices around these combinations. This means pupil preference drives what we offer; this is a huge advantage for the pupil and half the battle won in terms of interest. Pupils choose a further seven full GCSE subjects from: biology, chemistry, physics, French, German, Spanish, geography, history, business studies, religious studies, art, photography, drama, design and technology, music, physical education and computer science.
Core Booster
Whilst ten GCSEs is a reasonable aspiration for most pupils at Leehurst Swan, some pupils may choose to opt for fewer GCSE courses and benefit from additional specialist support in their core subjects through timetabled booster provision.
'We Strive for Excellence'
Excellence extends beyond the purely academic; our pupils’ commitment to music, art, drama, sports, the environment and to helping others through community and charity fundraising are a credit to them. Pupils are expected to demonstrate care for each other and value the contributions each can make. They celebrate the achievements of others and are keen to show their work in displays around the school.
Hot lunches are available in school for an additional charge. These lunches are brought into school using fresh local ingredients alternatively children have packed lunches. Pupils may have a snack at break-time.
We pride ourselves on the high standard of pastoral care we provide. We want our pupils to develop into confident, independent young people who share our Christian values of respect and care for the individual and awareness of the needs of others. The school encourages involvement in community service and pupils participate in various fund-raising activities to help others less fortunate than themselves.
Our values are summarised in the school motto Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est meaning Where there is charity and love you will find God.
Homework is available online and should also be recorded in the homework diary. In an emergency, if it is impossible to do homework on a particular night, a letter from a parent must be sent to the relevant teacher.
The homework timetable can be accessed on the secure Parents' section of the website.
Length of Homework
- Years 7 and 8 have 15 minutes per subject per week
- Year 9 have 20 to 30 minutes per subject per week
- In Year 10 and 11, homework is 40-60 minutes per (I)GCSE subject
Applications for Entry into the Senior School
Acceptance for entry into our senior school is dependent on performance in the entrance examination, a report from the candidate’s previous school and an interview.
Parents wishing their children to be considered for entry should complete a registration form and return it, together with the registration fee of £100, to the school.
The entrance examination will take place in January and consists of mathematics and English papers.
All candidates will be called for interview within two weeks of the examination.